Get Involved!


If you are able to make a donation we can be sure to put it to good use. Please let us know if you would like the money to be earmarked for a specific project. If there are no instructions we will use it where we currently have the greatest need. We can send you a detailed budget and photo documentation upon request for each donation over $50 US. We want you to feel secure that your donation is being used in the spirit you intended.

Typically the cost mailing actual items (books, computers, clothing, etc.) is prohibitive so most people donate cash. However, if you can organize shipping please let us know what you’ll be sending so we can arrange to receive it.


Unfortunately, our budget does not allow us to design an actual internship program but if you have a skill to share and can cover your expenses we would love to have you join our team for any amount of time you are willing to sacrifice. Please e-mail us at with your query.

Be Creative!

If you have no time and no money, please be creative and come up with your own way to help. We’d love to hear from you!