Condom Distribution

Gatanga Kiiga's Condom Display

As part of Gatanga Kiiga’s HIV/AIDS prevention program we distribute free condoms to the general public. They are available in our office to be picked up but we also deliver so people who are shy to be seen with condoms or are unable to travel to the office due to transportation or mobility issues. We distribute them to the hotels and bars in town, the local government offices, and any place we can think of that people will have easy access.
We believe that condoms should be accessible to everyone regardless of status, gender, age, or marital status. Thanks to generous deliveries from PSI we are able to distribute several thousand condoms each year.
Most of our condoms are male condoms but we do have a small supply of female condoms as well. These generate a lot of interest and usually don’t last long because demand is high.

A local woman practices using a condom.

“Having sex with a condom is like eating candy with the wrapper still on.”
-Gatanga Kiiga client

Obviously we have to do more than just hand condoms out and education is a big part of the program.

We have a penis model in the office and are happy to demonstrate proper use and disposal to anyone who enters our office. We have a lot of fun with this in the office and it’s pleasantly surprising with how open most people are in talking about condoms.

We also do public outreaches in the community to encourageĀ  self-efficacy in condom use and provide instruction on how to use them through a program with PSI.