Psychosocial Support Groups

Gatanga Kiiga has established 4 psychosocial support groups for people living with HIV/AIDS. The groups meet in different villages and we hope to add additional groups in the future to enable more people to participate. The PSS groups meet monthly and cover topics like drug adherence, healthy living, stigma, writing memory books, etc. This project is supported with funding from ICAP.

Here is what one participant had to say about the group:

“I am very happy for establishment of this group. Today I was looking for the sun to rise to come to this meeting. When I come to the group I go home feeling strong. I feel like we are sisters and we can share anything.”       (translated from Kikuyu)

Sarah Wanjiku

-Dorcas Kabura

And another:

“I am very happy of being a member of this group. Missing one meeting feels like missing life. I love coming to the meetings.”

-Sarah Wanjiku

Psychosocial support is so important particularly in the rural areas because without an opportunity to meet other people living positively our patients tend to feel isolated and negative about their situation. When they join the PSS groups we notice an almost immediate change in their mental and often physical health.

“After the test I felt like I was going to die very soon. After the support group I feel like I will live and live long.” (translated from Kikuyu)

Pauline Wanjiko

A PSS group meeting in Chomo.

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